Moving to a new country whether to study, work or live is a major turning point in your life. And you have a list of things to worry about as you move to a new country -  getting new friends, accommodation, bank account and multiple other settling down issues. 

We strive to reduce your anxiety at least in one significant way – getting you connected. To your family back home, to your new friends and family, new employers in your destination country and never feeling alone and far in the land far away. And we do it in the most cost efficient way. And we get you connected as soon as you land!

We Get You the Best Mobile Plans

We will get you the exclusive mobile plans, including students only plans, available in your destination country from local telecom providers. Often these plans are not available as regular offer in the respective countries. We would provide both Prepaid and Postpaid plans and facilitate migration between plans when you land in your host country.

We provide both Prepaid and Postpaid plans.

Not sure what you want? 

Get Prepaid plans from your destination country’s telecom providers. And we would facilitate your migration to an attractive Postpaid plan when you are ready to do so, after arriving in your destination country. 

International Students

If you are a student going abroad to study – Shop Online or Contact your Education Consultants. We partner with all major international education consultants in India and the SIM card with specific student offer from destination country’s telecom provider will be part of your pre-departure package or offered during pre-departure information sessions. 

Advantages - Connect Global Telecom

Delivery to your home

The SIM Card will be delivered directly to your home

Best Telecom Network

Get connected to world's best networks

Top-notch support

Live Telephone and Email support

Mobile Plans

Exclusive Mobile plans not available for purchase in your destination country

Contact Us

Order online and and get the SIM Card of your destination country right away. 

If you are a student, you should be able to get your SIM card through your education consultants in your pre-departure package or at the pre-departure information session.

For further information, please contact us.