Bring-your-own device rate plans are on a 30-day term and will continue month-to-month thereafter. Rates are subject to change. See
Canada-Wide calling: Canada-Wide Calling applies to calls made from Canada to a Canadian number or calls received from any number while you are inside Canada.
Plans with 3G data speed may reach download speeds of up to 3.1 Mbps while plans with 4G LTE data speed may reach download speeds of up to 150 Mbps. Both 3G and 4G LTE plans provide the coverage and reliability of the LTE network. Speed and signal strength may vary with your device, configuration, Internet traffic, environmental conditions, applicable network management and other factors.
Long distance charges on calls to the U.S. are 75¢/min. in addition to your local per minute rate.
Unlimited Text Messaging is only valid when message is sent from Canada. Text messages sent within the U.S. or internationally, premium text messages, text alerts, messages sent with an instant messaging application and dial-up messages are not included in any plan and cost extra.
Standard out of country roaming and international long distance rates apply.
Monthly 911 fees apply in: AB (95¢), NB (97¢), NL (75¢), NS (43¢), PEI (70¢), SK ($1.95), QC (46¢), and NT ($1.70). Fees withheld will be remitted to the government.
Apps on your smartphone use data, too. If you want to avoid Pay-Per-Use data charges make sure to turn data off on your phone.
Data use over what is included in your plan is $15/100MB up to 800MB, $0.15/MB thereafter.
Pay-per-use rates apply to usage exceeding what's included in your rate plan. Subject to change over time. See a list of full additional usage charges and one time charges.
One-time connection service fee ($50) applies and will be waived with new activations.